The End of Title 42 Should Not Mean More Restrictive Policies at the Border
Today, we should be celebrating the end of the racist and deadly Title 42 policy. However, the Biden Administration’s new asylum ban rule that will take effect at midnight leaves little room for celebration. Today, the Biden Administration intends to return to Trump-Era policies by banning asylum at the southern border in contravention to U.S. and international law. The rule will harm individuals seeking safety, especially black and indigenous people.
We know that xenophobic anti-immigrant policies and rhetoric kills people. We grieve the deaths of the eight Venezuelan asylum seekers who were killed in Brownsville, TX this week. The BFI community extends prayers for healing for all affected by this tragedy.
We are appalled that the Biden administration has chosen to enact even more draconian policies against asylum as Title 42 is set to expire,” said Rabbi Joshua Lesser, President Bridges Faith Initiative. “The administration and Congress must remember the mistakes U.S made when it turned away Jews fleeing on the ship St. Louis, and must enact policies that ensure we never again turn away people fleeing danger but only welcome with dignity. The moral culpability of standing idly by as people die is too heavy to bear.”
Furthermore, Congress is pushing forward legislation which would restart and expand family detention and ban asylum for children and their families.
The Biden Administration and Congress must implement solutions that align with our values and protect human life. Seeking asylum regardless of the manner of entry into the United States is legal and is a human right. Resources should be put towards humane border reception instead of border militarization. How we welcome is a reflection of who we are. Our policies need to be oriented toward protecting people, not repressing their chances of getting safe.